Wamp Wordpress

The release of WampServer 2.5 greatly improved the virtual server’s speed which was already fast to begin with. Also, with the new process of creating Projects or Virtual Hosts, you can now have URLs like http://mytest instead of the old http://localhost/mytest which is a great improvement especially for users like me who play with WordPress Plugins.

The problem is because WAMP now is containing also MariaDB and by default they set 3306 (default Mysql port) to this service, for Mysql they set 3307. If you want to change it you should 1. Change ports in MariaDb my.ini, there you have to change port in 3 places on for example 3307, it should be everywhere the same number 3306.

Install wordpress on windows 10Wamp wordpress install
  1. Install WordPress on WAMP Server. So good, you local web server must be ready to install WordPress on WAMP server. If so then follow the step by step guide to install WordPress. Download the latest version of WordPress from WordPress official website, wordpress.org.
  2. To run WordPress on a server you need 3 bits of software that operate in the background, Apache, MySQL and PHP. This is where WAMP comes in, it is the software stack that bundles all these programs on Windows so you can set up a mini server to host your website locally on your own PC.
  • Step 1

    Once you get WampServer or WAMP installed, go to the installation folder then locate the www folder. This is where all your virtual website’s file are going to be stored. Inside the www folder create a new folder. Name it anyway you want. Buyshazam. In the example below we’ll use the name wp-one.

  • Step 2

    Make sure WAMP is running then right-click its icon on the Taskbar then go to Apache then open httpd.conf (OR) you could also manually open that file on this location: /wamp/bin/apache/apachexxx/conf/httpd.conf

    Once the file is open in your text editor, find this line:

    # Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

    then change it to this:

    Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

    You simply remove the # sign thereby uncommenting it. You’ll only do this step once.

  • Step 3

    Locate and open another file:

    Then add this code at the bottom:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot 'd:/wamp/www/wp-one'
    ServerName wp-one
    <Directory 'd:/wamp/www/wp-one'>
    AllowOverride All
    Require local

    Note: d:/wamp/www/wp-one is the path to the folder we created on Step 1.

  • Step 4

    Open your Windows Host file with your text editor.
    Add these two lines: wp-one
    ::1 wp-one

  • Step 5

    Restart WAMP Server so that it could pick up the changes. You can now check your new Project website on your browser. http://wp-one/

    Import markdown into evernote


Wamp Wordpress

Gaming potatoeshome. To add another Project or Virtual Host repeat the steps above except for Step 2.

What Is Wamp

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