- As a firm, we address immediate problems and position for risk through prevention, we teach independence, we help create a foundation resilient to quakes, and most importantly.
- 1Focus Media is a Full Service Production Company specializing in Commercials and Multi-platform media marketing campaigns with a broad client base from luxury resorts to the world’s top medical companies and non-profit organizations.
- We are Menno Valkenburg and Nel Mostert, together we count up to 40+ years of experience in supporting project teams. We have bundled our know-how in www.1focus-projects.nl and are at the service of project teams.
Barrington Hills IL 60010. Or click here to donate via Paypal. FOCUS is a 501 (c)3 charity and donations are tax deductible. To the extent allowed by the law.
Welcome to 1 Focus Medical Software
My name is Ted Maher. my staff and I will be working with you to make sure that your specific needs are met and the right solution is found.
At 1 Focus Medical Software, we specialie on the needs of the Medical office. Not only are we a Medical Billing Service, but we also are Value Added Resellers of two software product lines.
Lytec 2015 Medical Billing Software
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 Voice Recognition Software
While this website concentrates on Lytec 2015 medical billing software, you can find out more about Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 Voice Recognition Software at our sister sites www.dragon-medical-transcription.com and www.dragontranscription.com .
I have been working in the software industry for over thirteen years and have been specifically concentrating on the medical industry for the last several years.
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My experience ranges from sales to programming to management. While I feel that I have a firm grasp of most companies needs, I am continually trying to learn more. After all, you know your situation much better than I do.
I have researched each product that we represent thoroughly and feel that that are top of the line.
Please don't hesitate to call me directly if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Ted Maher
1 Focus Medical Software is a division of Centaur Academic Media DBA Centaur Multimedia.
1454 Chestnut Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
415-775-3020 Phone x 15
415-775-4831 Fax
Mission Statement
FOCUS is dedicated to promoting eye care solutions in Haiti. This is not only through direct patient care, but more importantly by training, equipping, and supplying Haitian ophthalmologists and those in training the tools and support they need to successfully deliver high quality eye care to the people of Haiti. Central to our mission is the idea that progress is best made through coordination of various eye care organizations and individuals in a way that leverages the strengths of each through effective communication and coordination of activities with our Haitian colleagues. We strongly believe that the best place to train Haitian ophthalmologists is in Haiti and is a superior method of training than having them do visiting observerships in the US. Economic, cultural, and institutional barriers are best overcome with building personal relationships. While FOCUS works primarily in Haiti, we also work with educational eye care programs in other countries as the need arises.
About Focus
FOCUS has a long colorful history in Global Ophthalmology. Founded in 1961 by three Chicago area ophthalmologists; Dr. James McDonald, Dr. Art Light, and Dr. Thomas Stamm. The initial missions were to Haiti and their amazing stories are well chronicled in the ebook “Focus in Haiti”. In the early 1970s the organization expanded its outreach to Nigeria and and continued to operate for many years under the leadership of Dr. Marilyn Miller. In 2019 the leadership of FOCUS began to transition to the next generation of ophthalmologists with the addition of Dr. Daniel Alter, Dr. Matthew Thompson, and Dr. William Myers to the executive board. We hope to inspire the next generation of visiting and local ophthalmologists to advance eye care in Haiti and the developing world.
Click here for More Information on the Executive Team
The Need
There is a tremendous need for eye care in Haiti since it has one of the highest rates of blindness in the world and a very low number of providers. Training of local doctors is extremely limited by lack of money, equipment and supplies. Severe institutional weakness at all levels in Haiti is pervasive and hampers efforts of both non-government organizations (NGOs) and individuals wanting to help. Simply put, many organizations involved in eye care in the developing world struggle to find financially strong and functional Haitian institutional counterparts to work with. Even willing NGOs can not effectively deploy assets easily. New solutions to old problems are needed.
The FOCUS Proverb
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The FOCUS Proverb: “Give a person a fish and feed them for a day, Teach a person to fish and feed them for life. If there are no fish in the pond, find another solution.” The FOCUS proverb challenges us to rethink the concept of “sustainability” with an eye towards solving problems with specific real solutions tailored to Haiti while understanding that areas of extreme poverty may not have enough resources to apply “private/public” models of eyecare in which those that can pay subsidize those that can not. Although this model has been successful in many poor countries throughout the world, the direct application in Haiti at this time has been marginally successful.
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To download the free ebook FOCUS in Haiti please click on the link below.